Tagged: Royals

Spring Training Is Here

Winter is partially over in nebraska. We can finally walk outside without fear of losing a finger. Course when i step outside on a brisk but not freezing saturday in early march i just have one thing on my mind. Baseball. Thank God for the MLB Network or might of forgotten about baseball completely. No that was a lie, i would never do that but still. I have been dormant from blogging this winter cause i have been really busy with baseball and school, but now that i injured my rotater cuff i can come back to blogging, which i guess is good and bad. Im glad to back, but it sucks to be out of baseball and have an aching arm. As you all probably know i am a huge new york yankee fan. I guess thats why i got bored of blogging cause i knew they were gonna win. So i have decided to right about a new team who is a little less predictable. The Kansas City Royals. Just to make it clear i am still very much a yankee fan and will always be one. Just thought i would mix it up a bit. I can’t wait to be writing again.


Omaha Royals

Having a Hometown AAA Baseball Team is pretty cool. Omaha, Nebraska is home of the OMAHA ROYALS, AAA team for the Kansas City Royals. When I was little I thought that it was the Yankees farm team and that someday they would send down Derek Jeter, or Mike Mussina. Alas, I soon figured out that they where the minor league team of the Kansas City Royals. I still cheered for them and I still do. The Royals are thinking of moving out of Omaha to Canada or Texas. If they leave this means no more baseball in Omaha, unless the Yankees answer my plea and put even a single A or AA team here. Please if you would Like this to happen please write me about it. thanks 

– Jonny
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